12+ brilliant uses of eggshells around the home and garden

In the pursuit of a sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle, it’s essential to recognize the hidden potential in everyday items that often end up as kitchen waste. One such remarkable example is the unassuming eggshell, which holds surprising versatility and usefulness both in our homes and gardens.

Beyond being a byproduct of cooking, eggshells are rich in calcium and other essential minerals, making them valuable resources for various applications. In this article, we will explore twelve creative and ingenious ways to repurpose eggshells, ranging from nourishing plants and chickens to enhancing our daily routines with their natural benefits.

Feed Your Chickens:

If you have chickens, crush their eggshells and offer them as a calcium-rich supplement. Eggshells are an excellent source of calcium, essential for laying hens to maintain strong eggshells and overall health. Wash the shells, let them dry, and then grind them to a fine consistency before mixing them into your chickens’ regular feed.

Help Your Tomato Plants:

Tomatoes benefit greatly from calcium, which prevents blossom end rot. To provide your tomatoes with a natural calcium boost, crush dried eggshells into your garden soil or sprinkle them around the base of the tomato plants. As the shells break down, they will slowly release calcium to nourish your plants.

Boil In Your Coffee:

Adding crushed eggshells to your coffee grounds before brewing can help reduce the coffee’s acidity. This can be particularly beneficial for those who experience acid reflux or sensitive stomachs. Boiling eggshells with coffee grounds neutralizes some of the acid, resulting in a smoother and milder cup of coffee.

Whiten Your Laundry:

Eggshells can be used as a natural and eco-friendly laundry whitener. Here’s a simple recipe to try:


Clean and dried eggshells
White vinegar
Large glass jar with a lid


Crush the clean and dried eggshells into small pieces.
Fill the glass jar about halfway with the crushed eggshells.
Pour white vinegar over the eggshells until the jar is full.
Secure the lid tightly and let the mixture sit for about two weeks, shaking the jar occasionally.
After two weeks, strain the liquid into a spray bottle.
Use the eggshell-infused vinegar as a pre-soak for white or light-colored laundry items. Simply spray the mixture on stains or add it to your laundry load.

Natural Fertilizer:

Crushed eggshells are an excellent addition to your compost bin. They add calcium and other essential minerals to the compost, enriching it and providing your plants with a nutrient-rich soil conditioner.

Seed Starters:

Create eco-friendly seed starters by filling half an eggshell with potting soil and planting your seeds directly inside. Once the seedlings are strong enough, transplant them along with the eggshell into the garden. The eggshell will decompose, providing calcium and acting as a natural fertilizer for the young plants.

Slug and Snail Deterrent:

Crushed eggshells act as a natural barrier against slugs and snails. Sprinkle crushed eggshells around vulnerable plants to deter these pests effectively.

Cleaning Agent:

The abrasive texture of crushed eggshells makes them an effective yet gentle cleaning scrub. Use them to clean stains off mugs, pots, pans, or even as a cleaner for hard-to-reach spots.

Seedling Containers:

Save the bottom halves of eggshells to use as biodegradable seedling containers. Fill them with soil and plant your seedlings directly inside. When it’s time to transplant them, gently crush the eggshell and place it along with the seedling into the soil.

Bird Feeders:

Turn eggshells into bird feeders by filling the halves with birdseed and placing them in your garden or hanging them from trees. This not only provides a nutritious snack for birds but also reduces waste.

Craft Projects:

Get creative with eggshells by using them in various craft projects. They can be painted, dyed, or used to create mosaic artwork, adding a unique touch to your home decor.

Exfoliating Skin Scrub:
Create a natural and gentle exfoliating scrub for your face and body by mixing finely ground eggshells with honey or yogurt. The calcium-rich eggshells will help remove dead skin cells, leaving your skin feeling soft and rejuvenated.

Bonus: How To Eat Eggshells Safely
Eggshells can also be consumed for their nutritional benefits. Before eating eggshells, follow these steps:

Wash Thoroughly: Clean the eggshells by rinsing them in water to remove any residual egg white or yolk. Allow them to dry completely.

Bake and Sterilize: Preheat your oven to 250°F (120°C). Place the clean, dry eggshells on a baking sheet and bake them for about 10 minutes to kill any bacteria. This step is essential to ensure the safety of consuming eggshells.

Grind into Powder: Once the eggshells have cooled down, grind them into a fine powder using a blender or coffee grinder. Store the powdered eggshells in an airtight container.

Consumption: Add a teaspoon of the eggshell powder to your favorite smoothie, juice, or any other food you prefer. The added calcium is beneficial for bone health and can also help with acid reflux and heartburn.

Please note that while consuming eggshells can be beneficial, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplement to your diet, especially if you have existing health conditions or allergies.

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