Caladium – amazing plant for exotic atmosphere in your house and garden

Caladium is an ornamental deciduous plant with extremely beautiful leaves. Because of it’s shape it’s also called “Elephant ears”, “Heart”, “Angel’s wings”. Caladium has many species and varieties that differ in leaf color that can be grown in the garden.

Caladium in the natural environment can reach five meters in height. It can often be seen in private gardens in Brazil or Florida. It feels great on the window sill of a sunny covered balcony.

Caladium require a lot of attention for their spectacular growth. That is why is not grown by many flower growers. But if you like to surprise your guests with something unusual, you can try.

To grow caladium at home you need to consider the following factors:

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The presence of a glass loggia, balcony or greenhouse with diffused lighting;
Availability of space for hibernation of the plant;
Humidity for spectacular growth of caladium is about 70%;
The optimum temperature is +15/+26 degrees(Celsius);
Caladium does not tolerate excessive moisture or excessive drying of the soil.

How to effectively provide a period of rest for caladium

Properly organized winter “hibernation” – its owner needs to prepare for it in September. Then reduce watering and exclude mineral fertilizers, which are regularly (every two weeks).

Caladium signals the beginning of the dormant period itself – its leaves will begin to dry and fall off. When it falls completely, the tubers of the plant are removed from the container, shake off excess soil and placed on a windowsill under a lamp for about a week. Indoor temperature +20 degrees.

Then the tubers are placed in moss, sand or perlite and stored in a warm dark place, stored at a temperature of + 15- + 20 degrees. If the temperature drops below +10 for a while, the plant can die.

In the spring, the tubers must be checked for fungus or mold, and planted in a pot.

Planting a houseplant in a pot

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Like all houseplants, caladium loves good drainage. It needs a layer of sand and on top and a substrate for growing exotic tropical plants. The tuber is deepened enough to get intensive leaf growth. If caladium is planted shallow, it will quickly give a significant number of children, which will negatively affect its appearance. In a pot with a diameter of 15 cm you can plant two or three tubers. If they are very small – then 5-6.


How to grow caladium in the garden

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Is it possible to plant caladium in the garden? It is possible. But keep in mind that this exotic plant is very heat-loving and does not tolerate significant fluctuations in temperature. It is also better in our latitudes to grow this exotic plant in a container garden. And if the weather is not favorable, take the pot to the balcony, loggia or warm veranda.

If you want to take a risk, choose a place for caladium with diffused lighting, possibly under the crown of a tall tree. Ensure complete absence of drafts and direct sunlight on the leaves.


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